Clear Vision Your Road to Riches
The power within, is the creative force that propels you to achieve your individual goals. Having a clear vision is your key to your dreams. We often fail to reach the goal, because there is not a ‘Clear Vision’ or pathway to the goal. In this book, you will learn what it takes to focus, and gain clarity to reach the desired goal.
Super Potential
Having real potential and using that potential are two different things. You can have a mountain of gold and live like a pauper! Your ‘Super Potential’ is solely yours to will it, to use it and to create in anyway shape, form or fashion you desire. In this book, you will learn ways to ‘Tap into’ that potential, that only you possess. Live your ‘Super Potential’ and Your Secret Is Out!
The Reclining Master Awaken!
Learn how the ‘Power of Self Esteem’ can propel you beyond your most ardent dreams. Discover what has been perhaps your greatest obstacle yet, is your greatest strength in more than one way. In this book you will discover why you do what you do, and how to change what does not serve you, into those things that serve you. Break the barriers that are self-erected and soar to greater heights.
Sales Warrior Series
Why should you, me or any salesperson succumb to ‘temporary setbacks’ when the thing we seek is success, even if both (Success and Failure) are two sides of the same coin? The ‘Sales Warrior’ will always choose success thoughts, success words and will employ the habits that support the former. The magic, the genie is in ‘How We Think’, because ‘What We Think About, We Bring About’. Go further! Learn the skills in ‘books, 2, 3 and 4’. Become a sales master!
Click and Grow Rich
What if I can show you how you can ‘Click and Grow Rich’ or achieve your goals faster, with more joy and money? If you answered, “show me,” then you have picked up the right book.Get ready to discard many old beliefs and thoughts that have never served your purpose and never will. You are about to enter the “Clicking Zone,” where dreams do come true, and time is never a factor and never has been. This information is by far the most powerful, compelling, and results- driven on the market. Get set, get ready, and have massive success.